So you have your first web site up and running on the Internet, and you are probably very keen to start getting visitors to your site and making money. In this article, I will outline some of the various methods of getting traffic to an adult web site.
There are lots of different ways to generate traffic and you should try to use all of them. If you employ a variety of methods and do it well you can establish a nice base of traffic to your site. The bottom line here is, the more traffic you get to your site the more sales you make. If your site converts traffic at 1/300, (ie 1 out of every 300 visitors will actually join your site) then you need to get around 1,000 unique visitors just to get just 3 sales.
Persevere and make more sites and you will make a few sales. Aim to move up to building premium AVS sites as they incur monthly rebills for members and thats where the money is, see Becky's article on this site for more info on this.
There are loads of adult links lists and adult search engines around where you can submit your sites for a listing. Most ask you to give them a recipricol link (a link back) in exchange for a listing. Some specialize in a particular niche but the vast majority are general and cover all the usual niches.
You will not get tons of traffic from most of them but if you get into the habit of submitting your sites to 50-100 of these it all can add up to a decent amount.
Each links list has it's own rules which vary slightly so you should make sure you glance through their rules to make sure your site complies, otherwise you are just wasting your time.
For example, Mark's Links will only take AVS sites from AdultCheck and CyberAge and no others. Some do not take AVS sites at all. Generally their rules are very similar and if you have a nice clean site with no multiple popups, new windows etc you will usually be approved.
What I usually do with AVS sites is build a duplicate front page for the link lists recipricols. This is because you want to keep your main entrance clean of external links that drain your precious traffic away and also because some AVS have limits on the amount of external links you can have on your outer pages that they link to.
So, you rename your index.html or front page to something like warning.html and put between 4-8 recips at the top. (Some link lists operators do not want their button below your enter link so it is best to put them at the top). Click here for an example. You will see the recips underneath the main title. I have also put a bit of text above them saying "Thanks to these great adult sites for listing Pool Hall Sex Revealed"
Below there is a list of all the good links lists/ search engines I have found and use regularly. If you have found any that produce decent traffic, let me know about it and I will add it to the list! In the next article I will give you recip tables that you can quickly copy and paste into your sites and a zip file with all the recip buttons to upload. This will make the boring job of submitting to about 50-100 links lists a little quicker for you.
Adult Link Lists/ Search Engines
Darren -