A lot of websites these days overlook using Pay Per Click sponsors to generate revenue. I have
noticed that a great deal of adult sites, particularly sites such as TGPs, rely on using per-sale or
partnership programs. While these programs can generate a great deal of revenue, Webmasters
of these sites are overlooking an important area which can be used to get those extra $$$.
If you submit galleries to TGPs then I would recommend using a pay per click sponsor. The
reason why you will make more money using a pay per click sponsor on a thumbnail gallery is
because as we all know TGP traffic is extremely low quality. Ask yourself, why is someone going
to signup for a porn site when they have 10,000+ free pics in front of them? Answer… they are not
going to. I have successfully submitted many galleries to TGPs and made some decent $$$ in a
few days by using pay per click sponsors.
Recently I submitted a gallery using the AdultClicks pay per click sponsor and I made $52.30 in
one day. While this is not an enormous amount of money, it is more than what I normally get
when I submit a gallery, get 15,000 unique visitors to it, 30 clicks, and no signups. I am not
saying that there is no money to be made using partnership or per signup sponsors, but you may
find it is easier and maybe even more lucrative to use sponsors of the pay per click variety.
I have run the Sexie18 TGP for over 2 years now and I am learning that getting people to signup
for porn is extremely difficult, I have made a few signups but nothing serious. I tried using a pay
per click sponsor and to my surprise I found that there was a way of making money from my TGP
traffic. I do not believe in TGPs that fill their listings with blind links everywhere so I added a few
text links on the main page and on my archive page. I was getting around 1.3% CTR (calculated
by comparing my click-throughs to my page stats).
10,000 uniques a day @ 1.3% CTR @ $0.05 per click = $6.5
$6.5 per day = $45.5 per week
As you can see from this calculation, I was making $6.5 per day from my TGP which makes more
money for me than getting 1 signup per week @ $35. There are hundreds of pay per click
sponsors to choose from, ranging from $0.01 to $0.18 per click but in my experience the ones
that say they will pay $0.18 per click will shave a great deal of clicks :( Be aware that most pay
per click sponsors require the visitor to click a link on a doorway page before you are credited for
the click. A doorway page is the page that a visitor is taken to when they click the sponsor link on
your site, this is normally to stop people cheating the program by using 'hit bots' and other means
to generate clicks and scam the sponsor out of a lot of money.
Apart from adding text links another way of making the $$$ is to use popup consoles that load the
sponsor link when the visitor either enters or leaves your site. Note that a lot of pay per click
sponsors will popup loads of consoles when their sponsor link is closed, I advise you to only add
consoles loading your sponsor link if they do not popup more consoles when they are closed, this
will anger most surfers :( I tried this out to see what CTR I would get on my console when it
loaded off my gallery archive page. I was totally amazed when I saw that around 20% of visitors
where clicking on my sponsor’s doorway page in my console when it loaded.
10,000 unique a day @ 20% CTR @ $0.05 per click = $100
$100 per day = $700 per week!
When choosing a pay per click sponsor you should take into consideration the rate per click and
also if the program requires you to maintain a certain ratio. I never use pay per click sponsors
that require you to maintain a ratio, I use AdultClicks on all my sites and they do not require a
ratio, and they don’t popup tons of consoles on the visitor. The purpose of this article is to
enlighten those of you that don’t make use of this valuable revenue source, I hope I have
achieved this. Keep on makin’ those $$$ ;)