Many webmasters are hesitant about attending tradeshows. They seem daunted by the cost involved, worried that the return on investment may not cover their costs of getting there, paying for passes and staying in hotels. These kinds of doubts are normal, but at the same time I strongly encourage webmasters to maybe take that small risk and attend at least one tradeshow a year.
Something I didn't realise until I started going to shows with the TotemCash team was that making new contacts was much easier when you did it in person. The same goes for existing partners. When you get to talk with them face to face it's easier and less time consuming to decide on what you can do together. You may have a great relationship with all your contacts by email, ICQ or telephone, but nothing beats finally meeting that guy in person. It's a perfect opportunity to get an idea of what he's really like, of whether you really want to do business with this person and of whether you trust them or not.
After having attended a tradeshow or two, you'll notice that deals you make with the contacts from the show become easier to close and your contacts more reliable. Of course, this isn't always the case. I've often come back from a tradeshow with hundreds of business cards to realise I can only do some real business with two or three of those people. But don't let that bother you. Often those few key encounters can turn into solid long-term partnerships. In any case one thing is sure; getting your face seen and your product talked about at a show is a key factor in the process of making your business more profitable.
You may realise that with some people, spending more time partying rather than talking business is the key to doing future deals with them. It depends on the person, but in general it's a question of how you get along and finding out if both of you have something mutually beneficial on offer. But in general, no one can deny that good business deals and relationships are built on trust and that trust often begins with a handshake at a tradeshow. What we must also remember is that this is a unique business and its Tradeshows are unique opportunities to make your mark, so make yourself seen!
Throughout the year TotemCash attend most of the important tradeshows and webmaster gatherings which take place around the globe. Each year as part of the Las Vegas Tradeshow and in collaboration with Klixxx magazine they produce and distribute a free sexy calendar packed full of the hottest girls from their site Find out more about their sites, webmaster program and competitions at