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Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Vienna, Austria - 5-15-2002 - Last year's "Get2gether" was such a success that, the dialer specialist and Netvision have decided to launch a second one for the year 2002. The event is scheduled to take place on October 25 & 26 at the Hotel Berlin in Berlin, during the same time as the largest international fair for erotic-- "Venus" in Berlin.

What's the catch?? The Eurowebtainment get2gether is the ideal opportunity to present your company to a special interest audience of Adult-Internet-Webmaster and meet the biggest European stars of the industry. Many US companies will also be in attendance. Great new programs and surprises have been added to the activity's list for this year.

The "Miss Eurowebtainment" contest is part of the program. Great European erotic stars from the industry such as Dolly Buster, Diana, Babette etc.will be there. Other models are welcome to apply their candidature as participants in this contest. Klixxx is one of our sponsors and we welcome any companies who want to follow suit. Sponsors to Eurowebtainment may also refer girls as contestants (so to speak as their representatives).

For further info and registration, please visit where you can also take a look at last year's event pictures.

About is a leading billing solutions provider since 1990, with Headquarters located in Vienna, Austria and offices in Hamburg, Paris and Las Vegas. They have consistent payouts of 5 Million dollars per month to Webmasters. is also a member of the board of FST (the German regulation authority for Audio text numbers). For more information about, or the article published by emarket, visit

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